Berg K1 (8)

  • 312.89 CZK

[1 1 0 2] | Farg: Rosa | Skick: 8 | Namning: Nej | Vikt: 172 g |

In stock.
Stock: 1
Article Number: kastaplast-1190
Berg: Designed for distinct throws with very little glide, perfect for controlled approaches.

Plast: K1 Line: A very durable plastic available in both translucent and opaque colors.

Do you have disks that are not suiting your bag? Contact [email protected], and we'll make them fly!

P model S Duraflex (6)

177.83 CZK 144.06 CZK

Link EXO Hard (5)

132.81 CZK

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155.32 CZK