MD3 C-Line (7)

  • 9.42 GBP

[5 5 0 1 ] | Colour: Röd | Condition: 7 | Penned: No | Weight: 178 g |

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Article Number: discmania-1883
MD Series (MD1, MD2, MD3, MD4, MD5) - The MD series covers a range of midrange discs from neutral to overstable. The MD1 is designed to fly dead straight, while the MD3 offers an all-round performance with reliable fade. The MD4 and MD5 are more stable to overstable, providing options for various power levels and shot shapes.

C-line (Discmania): The most durable plastic from Discmania, retaining its original flight characteristics over an extended period, even after tree hits. Usually the most stable option.