Elina Rydberg

Elina is one of Sweden's best disc golfers and started her career as late as 2019 but has already reaped great merits. Now there is the chance to buy her used discs and at the same time support her venture. All discs have previously been hers and it is a mix of her signature discs, things she has baged and finer rarities with emotional and monetary value. So take the opportunity to buy her discs knowing that it helps her continue to deliver on the field.

FD C-Line (8)

159.49 NOK
In stock.

Nice Buddy (8)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

PA-3 Lykke Lorentzen 300 (8)

105.97 NOK
In stock.

PModelS BBQ Järva Base Grip (9)

105.97 NOK
In stock.

Butter Steady (9)

138.08 NOK
In stock.

Butter Prototype Hardy (7)

105.97 NOK
In stock.

Butter Steady (9)

138.08 NOK
In stock.

Mango First Run Steady (8)

138.08 NOK
In stock.

Mango First Run Steady (7)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Berry Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Ginger Nikko Locastro Steady (8)

138.08 NOK
In stock.

Mint Nikko Locastro Steady (7)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Mint Nikko Locastro Steady (8)

138.08 NOK
In stock.

Mint Nikko Locastro Steady (6)

105.97 NOK
In stock.

Guava Prototype Steady (9)

191.61 NOK
In stock.

Guava Elina Rydberg Steady (7)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Berry Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Ginger Nikko Locastro Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Cherry Prototype Steady (9)

213.01 NOK
In stock.

Berry Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Berry Steady (7)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

Berry Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Berry Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Berry Steady (7)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

Sensei Active Premium Glow (9)

148.79 NOK
In stock.

Hydrogen A-solid (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Popcorn Tone (8)

191.61 NOK
In stock.

Peach Steady (9)

159.49 NOK
In stock.

Peach Steady (6)

105.97 NOK
In stock.

Popcorn Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Popcorn Steady (7)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

Popcorn Steady (7)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

Popcorn Team Clash Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Peach Steady (7)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

Sage Steady (9)

191.61 NOK
In stock.

Sage Steady (6)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

Vanilla Steady (7)

116.68 NOK
In stock.

Vanilla Steady (8)

127.38 NOK
In stock.

Vanilla Prototype Steady (8)

191.61 NOK
In stock.

Soda Steady Ring (8)

159.49 NOK
In stock.

Ginger Nikko Locastro Steady (8)

148.79 NOK
In stock.

Ginger Nikko Locastro Steady (8)

148.79 NOK
In stock.